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The Soul of the White Dragon as VN was released yesterday. It contains the whole text, so my initial concern of the large word count, made me do it in one release anyway.

Even with the 1920x1080 size, the zipped size is well under 100 MB. There is a little over 120 images. I have added a 'normal' size font file, and a large font file to show Chinese characters/glyphs.

Please download, "play" and comment, so I have some feedback to work with.


Woah, I remember that I've brought the first vol from ebook before. It was a good story ( ꈍᴗꈍ) Im glad to see that the author also planned to make kinetic vn for this <3

Thanks for the comment, dear.

I had only discovered this format recently, and found it appealing. I had my concern of turning 59,000 words into a VN, I was also concerned about the amount of the MB of graphics it would hold. Initially I decided to turn it into five parts, Now that I know the approx. amount, I will put it all in one novel.

I am still learning this programming stuff, and even how to work with images. I play/read NV on a 1920x1080 monitor, and "all" of them seems to be made for 1280x720. When in full screen the characters get blurred and that 'irritates' me. That is why I chose the larger resolution. I don't know how this resolution works  on a smartphone/tablet, I have some problems generating the files for android.

I expect to price the NVs as the e-books.

All the best to you, and again, thanks for taking the time to comment!

If you have the time/energy, you could give it a free try and maybe write me a few words of what you think about the story and also my first attempt in making a kinetic VN, now it is published in full.

The version 0.2 is a demo, and contains only the first 6 chapters (1/5) of the novel/book 1. This is a "first attempt", and the characters are not necessarily dressed as the text indicates. The NV is made for 1920x1080 and full screen.

This VN is based on the first book in my fantasy series, The Adventures of Luzi Cane. The series consists of 5 books, and are slowly being translated into Spanish and German. See the series here: Erik Istrup Publishing